Heather Hogg
Heather Hogg is a professional costumer and tailor for theatre and film. Her work can be seen in movies such as Killing Lincoln, Killing Kennedy, and also the AMC series Turn. She supervises production work in the Costume Shop, designs and implements a pedagogical structure for students, is the primary cutter/draper, and does historical, technical, and creative research for each Department of Theatre and Dance production. Heather has both experience with the Reggio Emilia approach to education and an interest in constructivist teaching theory.
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Grants and Fellowships
Partners In the Arts grant for James River Anthology Project, 2003
Collegiate School Commission for playwrighting, 2005
Roos Scholarship. 2004
Excellence in Graduate Theatre Award for Academic and Creative Excellence, May 2006, from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
Korean Han-Bok: Traditional Garment for a Modern Western Body
Patterns and Construction Through Historical Research: Sharing Research in Costume Design/Technology
Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2007
Assoke Wedding Cloth and Textiles
Patterns and Construction Through Historical Research: Sharing Research in Costume Design/Technology
Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2008
The Westhampton Gym Suit: Modesty and Tradition
Patterns and Construction Through Historical Research: Sharing Research in Costume Design/Technology
Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2009
Headliner, Paper mache, paper pulp, and vinyl
Cheap Tricks: Inexpensive costume techniques for a trying economy, Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2012
Animal Costume Tips and Tricks
Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2013
Painting the Gown: Fabric Tips and Tricks
Southeastern Theatre Conference, 2014
Grants and Fellowships